Hattiesburg, Mississippi – After almost nine months of surveys and studies, the City of Hattiesburg and the Hattiesburg-Petal-Forrest-Lamar Metropolitan Planning Organization (HPFL-MPO) are ready to enter the final phase of public input for the Hub City Transit Master Plan. This phase allows for the public to review a first draft of the plan and make comments.
“We’re excited to begin wrapping up this plan that will ultimately guide our team through recommended changes, mobility options and long-term funding and implementation strategies,” said Andrew Ellard, Urban Development director. “It will continue to serve as a roadmap for improving public transit over the next five to 10 years, and will serve as a foundation for the system’s growth over the next decade.”
There are three opportunities to review the draft: in person during an open house event, online or by visiting the MPO office at City Hall.
On Thursday, Dec, 9 at the Hattiesburg Train Depot’s Community Room (308 Newman Street), the plan and accompanying documents can be reviewed during an open house event from 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Both written and verbal comments will be accepted during the event.
Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the open house, and information stations will be strategically placed to promote social distancing during the come-and-go meeting. Transit and planning officials will be on hand to walk participants through three information stations.
Additionally, the plan can be reviewed throughout December at hubcitytransit.com. Comments can be submitted via a form or by email mpo@hattiesburgms.com. A hard copy of the plan can also be reviewed in the MPO offices, located at Hattiesburg City Hall (200 Forrest Street), with both written and verbal comments accepted.
This third and final phase will provide the public with an opportunity to make comments on a variety of recommendations – including system changes, mobility options and long-term funding and implementation strategies.
All comments received will be considered prior to the final plan’s adoption. The final Hub City Transit Master Plan is expected to be developed and presented to the Hattiesburg City Council for review and adoption by Spring of 2022.
If there are questions about the plan, meetings or the process for engagement, they can be emailed to mpo@hattiesburgms.com. Anyone who may require auxiliary aids or special accommodations (including Spanish or other language assistance) to participate can contact 601-545-6259 or aesters@hattiesburgms.com. Arrangements for assistance to participate will need to be made by Friday, Dec. 3.
Additional information, including project updates, is available at hubcitytransit.com/masterplan.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are regional transportation planning agencies, which provide a forum for cooperative decision-making concerning area-wide transportation issues.
The MPO was created by federal and state law to develop transportation plans and programs that encourage and promote the implementation of transportation systems. These plans and programs embrace the various modes of transportation in a manner that maximizes the mobility of people and goods.
The Hattiesburg-Petal-Forrest-Lamar MPO Policy Committee is the primary committee responsible for developing policies and procedures to guide the transportation planning process for the Hattiesburg Urbanized Area.