Highway 49/Midtown MDA EDH Grant

In late February, the City of Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Forrest General Hospital, Mississippi Development Authority and the Office of State Aid Road Construction will begin a multi-phased traffic improvement project for the stretch of Highway 49 from O’Ferral Street to Adeline Street.
This project, large in scope, will:
- expand access to Forrest General Hospital by shifting the Highway 49/Mamie Street traffic signal to Camp Street;
- install an additional traffic signal at Highway 49/West Adeline;
- improve traffic circulation on Arlington Loop and provide a more efficient route to Midtown from Highway 49; and,
- provide for a dedicated pedestrian and bicycle pathway from Kamper Park to Midtown.
Below, you will find details regarding the project as a whole, traffic updates reflecting the seven phases of the project.
To reduce the impact on traffic, this project has been broken down into seven smaller phases in isolated areas. Additionally, all work performed on Highway 49 will be performed between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. with one-lane closures only.
Toggle through the phases below for a look at the full project.
This phase of the project will include the Camp Street/Mamie Street Intersection, which includes:
- improvements between 27th Avenue and Highway 49;
- improvements on the West Frontage Road from Camp Street to Mamie Street; and
- work within the parking lot between Mamie Street and West Frontage Road and south of Camp Street.
This phase of the project will include the Hwy 49/Camp Street Intersection not included in phase one with the exception of signal operation. It includes:
- median work along Highway 49, north of the Mamie Street intersection and extending a little north of O’Ferral Street; and,
- additional work from 25th Avenue to Highway 49, along East Camp Street and adjacent areas.
This phase of the project includes the Highway 49/Adeline Street intersection, with the exception of signal operation. This phase includes:
- improvements to West Frontage Road;
- the addition of a southbound turn lane on Highway 49; and
- median work for Highway 49 north and south of Adeline Street.
This phase will include median work along Highway 49, north and south of the Mamie Street intersection.
At the completion of this phase, the signals at Adeline Street and Camp Street will be put into operation.
This phase includes all improvements necessary regarding the Highway 49/Mamie Street intersection that was not included in phases one through four.
This phase includes project improvements to Mamie Street in front of the FGH Emergency Department exit. It also includes work on the emergency room parking lot adjacent to Mamie Street.
This phase includes a secondary access point to the Forrest General Emergency Department, as well as revisiting any issues to make sure the project is complete.
Due to the expansion and growth of Forrest General Hospital, the initial work began on this project in 2011 to address the need for easier access to the Hospital from Highway 49 and for better traffic circulation to, through and away from the facility which also includes access to additional medical facilities between the hospital and Hattiesburg Clinic. The long-term benefit of this project will greatly enhance the quality of life for current residents, as well as improve connectivity from one side of town to the other. As a whole, it is a testament to the city listening to its residents, collaborating across industries and staying committed to a project that plays a vital role in improving access to health care.
Below is a complete look at how the project evolved throughout the last decade.
Due to the expansion and growth of Forrest General Hospital, the initial work began on this project in 2011 to address the need for easier access to the Hospital from Highway 49 and for better traffic circulation to, through and away from the facility. This project also encompasses better access and traffic circulation plans to Hattiesburg Clinic and Midtown Hattiesburg.
When the initial parts of this project began to move, multiple public meetings were held with the surrounding area neighborhoods, including Arcadia, Sunset, University Heights and Parkhaven Neighborhood Associations. Meetings were also facilitated with MDOT and City of Hattiesburg officials. Additional data reviewed included traffic studies, design criteria and permit approval for work on Highway 49.
Based on feedback, the parties involved proposed the realignment of Arlington Loop and the relocation of the Hwy 49 traffic signals around the hospital.
With that proposed, conversations with neighborhoods continued and then-city engineer Bert Kuyrkendall hosted a series of charettes to address how traffic might impact those who are east of Hwy 49. The principal ask was to limit the amount of new traffic coming to Camp Street by turning the roadway into a one-way street for westbound vehicular traffic only. In addition, part of Camp Street would be designated for exclusive use by pedestrians and cyclists.
Grant approval from MDA for $2.5 Million.
Before the transition of Camp Street into a one-way, both water and sewer had to be upgraded. In the Summer of 2018, this $3.7 Million project began. It was completed by the fall of 2019 and features new water lines, lateral water improvements to individual houses (connecting them to properly sized 6”-8” lines that were installed prior to now) and new sewer lines.
After the installation of new water and sewer lines, the transition of Camp Street into a one-way began in December 2019 and was completed by August 2020.
2020 - 2021
Preparation, design and bids for the final Highway 49 Improvements project were completed, with slated construction to begin early 2022.
February 2022
Construction for Hwy 49/Midtown access begins.
1/27/2022: Project Announcement
3/31/2022: Construction Begins
During Phase three (Oct. 17 start date), the following changes will be made for the general flow of traffic:
- Access to Adeline Street from Hwy 49 or the Frontage Road/Service Drive will be closed.
- Frontage Road/Service Drive will be closed between the front of Forrest General Hospital and Adeline Street.
During phase two (Feb. 1 start date), the following changes will be made for the general flow of traffic:
- Camp Street east of Hwy 49, between South 26th Avenue and South 25th Avenue, will be closed.
- West Frontage Road will be closed between north of Camp Street to Mamie Street. Access to Community Bank will remain open throughout the duration of construction.
To access the Forrest General Hospital Emergency Department:
- From Highway 49: North and southbound traffic will continue to use Mamie Street as it currently exists.
- From 28th Avenue: Traffic will use a temporary roadway across the FGH staff parking lot between 28th Avenue and Mamie Street.
Detour and directional signage are posted throughout the FGH campus and along Highway 49 and 28th Avenue.
Throughout this project, all work performed on Highway 49 will be performed between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. with one-lane closures only.
The total cost of the project is $4,654,776.19, with $2.5 million coming from a grant issued by the Mississippi Development Authority in 2015 and the remaining being covered by local match funds from the City of Hattiesburg and Forrest General Hospital.
Each phase timeline will depend on several variables, with phase one estimated to take 4-6 months. The estimated completion date for this project is late 2023/early 2024, dependent on the weather.
Department of Engineering
212 West Front Street
Hattiesburg, MS 39401