Development Fast Track
Development Review Process
A Pre-application meeting is required for all new development, redevelopment or expansions for commercial or multi-family residential zoned properties within the City of Hattiesburg.
A Pre-Application meeting with the Planning staff is required prior to submitting a Site Plan Application. At the meeting, the applicant will describe and present their project in the conceptual design stage.
The goals of this meeting are to:
- Emphasize the applicable development regulations for:
- Site Plan Review
- Clearing and Grading
- Building in a Historic District
- Building in a Flood Zone
- Subdivision of Land
- Use Permit on Review
- Zoning Change
- Planned Unit Development
- Planned Residential Development
- Variance
- Address and discuss potential problems and solutions to technical and design review issues.
- Discuss the roles of the Site Plan Review Committee, the Planning Commission and the City Council.
- Apply the city’s Comprehensive Plan 2008-2028.

To schedule a pre-application meeting, please call 601-545-4599.
The process whereby the planning department shall review the site plans and maps of the developer to assure that they meet the stated purposes and standards of the zoning district, provide for the necessary public facilities, and protect and preserve topographical features and adjacent properties through appropriate siting of structures and landscaping.
The main purpose of the Site Plan Review process is to make certain that the development plans comply with all applicable and appropriate Land Development Code regulations and ordinances and are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Pre-Application Meeting with Staff and Applicant.
- Upon approval of Site Plan Review, a building permit application and construction plans may be submitted to the Building Division.