- Parents go to: cityofhpr.siplay.com
- If you have an account: Log in with email and password > Register to Play/Participate and/or Apply to Coach/Volunteer
- If you don’t have an account: Click on this banner
if this is the first time logging in, create an account > Register to Play/Participate and/or Apply to Coach/Volunteer
- Online registration is complete once you have received a confirmation receipt via email.
- Once you have completed steps 1 – 4, please bring payment of $45 (money orders only) and birth certificate to the Ben McNair Recreation Center.
(Please note Registration is not complete until this step is complete)
You will be contacted via email of your child’s placement at a site.
Please call/email Myron Lott with any questions or concerns at (601)606-0182 or mlott@hattiesburgms.com