Sharing Their Journey, featuring Dr. Charles R. Griffith, Medical Director for Lamar Healthcare
and Rehabilitation Center, Wednesday, March 18, 12pm to 1pm, at Conestoga Steak House.
Dr. Griffith will share with the participants how to interpret normal aging from dementia,
how to join the journey of a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other
dementias and the importance of selecting an exceptional memory care unit. Each unit is
designed to stimulate a patient through all stages of the journey of Alzheimer’s disease.
“Keeping an eye on an aging loved one while respectfully allowing them to continue to
live life independently as long as possible is key,” states Dr. Griffith.
If an aging parent or loved one is showing persistent memory loss and the inability to
participate in the basic skills of life, it is a warning that should not be ignored. Dr.
Griffith’s specialty in geriatric medicine allows him to follow the patient from the earliest
stages of diagnosis and throughout the disease process. As Medical Director for Lamar
Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Dr. Griffith has the unique opportunity not only to
work with the individual suffering from dementia, but also the ability to interact with the
care team and family members.
No two individuals will share the exact same experience when progressing through the
stages of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. While some characteristics are common,
interpretation of those characteristics is unique to each individual. That is why selecting
the proper memory care unit at the correct time is imperative. Lamar Healthcare and
Rehabilitation Center has a specialized memory care unit that includes a unique system to
view Alzheimer’s disease. The system incorporates different stimulation activities per
stage, understanding behaviors as communication and includes validation techniques to
effectively communicate and interact with residents. Dr. Griffith monitors the residents as
they progress through these stages and compassionately oversees their journey.
Dr. Charles Griffith is a graduate of Louisiana State University and specializes in Family
Medicine and Hospice & Palliative Medicine. He is board certified in Family Practice
and Hospice Care & Palliative Medicine. Dr. Griffith is also a Certified Medical Director
by the American Medical Directors Association.