Category: Daily Operations

Social Work Earns $1.2 Million Health Insurance Grant; will expand outreach efforts of City of Hattiesburg’s E3 Health Initiative

Social Work Earns $1.2 Million Health Insurance Grant; will expand outreach efforts of City of Hattiesburg’s E3 Health Initiative

The School of Social Work at The University of Southern Mississippi has been awarded more than $1.2 million in Affordable Care Act funding from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The funds will help consumers sign up for affordable Health Insurance Marketplace coverage in 2016. With Marketplace Open Enrollment beginning Nov. 1, the...

Special Olympics dedicates games to Hattiesburg resident

Special Olympics dedicates games to Hattiesburg resident

Hub City Inaugural Games to be held in memory of six-year-old Marley Taylor Special Olympics Mississippi, Hub City Region, is gearing up for its Inaugural Games on Saturday, September 19, and the region has dedicated the games to one of their own. Six-year-old Marley Taylor was described by many as energetic, touching and larger-than-life. She was a Hattiesburg...

2015 El Grito Latin Festival

2015 El Grito Latin Festival

The City of Hattiesburg has partnered with the Southeast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative and La Mexicana to host the 2015 El Grito Latin Festival which will be held on Saturday, September 12 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Town Square Park. The park is located at 100 Main Street in Hattiesburg.  El Grito Latin...

9/11 Observance of Patriots’ Day

9/11 Observance of Patriots’ Day

City of Hattiesburg Fire Department Cordially Invites you to the 9/11 Observance of Patriots’ Day On Friday, September 11, 2015, the City of Hattiesburg is holding its annual 9/11 program.   This event will be held at Fire Station #1, located at 810 North Main Street in Hattiesburg.  The observance will begin at 8:40 a.m. to coincide with...

Holiday Pick-up Schedule

Holiday Pick-up Schedule

Listed below is the holiday schedule for Monday, September 7, 2015 (Labor Day).  The Public Works Department will be closed.  Below you will find the garbage, trash and recycling schedule as follows:   Monday’s Garbage pickup will be Tuesday Tuesday’s Garbage pickup will be Wednesday Wednesday’s Trash pickup will be Thursday Thursday’s Trash pickup will...

Hub City Special Olympics

Hub City Special Olympics

As some of you may already know, Special Olympics is returning to the Hub City! After over a decade without programming, our Special Needs communities are bubbling with excitement for the chance to play and compete once again! The Hub City Region includes Forrest, Lamar, Perry, Marion and Walthall counties. The City of Hattiesburg and...

City of Hattiesburg announces  Job Access and Reverse Commute Program

City of Hattiesburg announces Job Access and Reverse Commute Program

The City of Hattiesburg and Grove Transit, Inc. have partnered to improve access to places of employment and employment- related activities for low-income and public assistance recipients of Hattiesburg-Petal-Lamar-Forrest County.   The opportunity was made possible thanks to a $367,964 grant, with $183,982 of that being the local match, and $183,982 from the Federal Transit...