Author: Website Admin (Website Admin)

Christine Brown Funeral Arrangements

Christine Brown Funeral Arrangements

The City of Hattiesburg mourns the loss of its Metropolitan Planning Organization Division Manager, Christine Brown, who died on May 26, 2015. Christine was the wife of the former Assistant to the Mayor, John Brown. Christine worked with the City since September 03, 1991.  She was often among the first in line to donate money...

Hattiesburg Community Housing Resource Fair

Hattiesburg Community Housing Resource Fair

June is National Homeownership Month. To celebrate, the City of Hattiesburg and local agencies  co-sponsored the Hattiesburg Community Housing Resource Fair on Thursday, June 4 from 4 -7 p.m. at the Jackie Dole Sherrill Community Center.  Sponsors of the event include: City of Hattiesburg State and Federal Programs, Mississippi Home Corporation, Renaissance Corporation, The University of...

Open Recruitment for the next Fire Academy

Open Recruitment for the next Fire Academy

Beginning Tuesday, May 26, 2015, we will be accepting applications for the next scheduled Fire Academy.   Qualified applicants must: Be 18 years of age or older Be a United States Citizen Be a high school graduate or have a GED Have no felony convictions or serious misdemeanor convictions Possess a valid driver’s license Be...