For today’s briefing with Mayor Barker, see video below. A few points he discusses can also be located below: Local Testing ▪️ Total tests: 31,118 ▪️ Positive tests: 3,156 ▪️ Negative tests: 26,303 ▪️ Pending: 1,611 Hospital Numbers (Forrest General/Merit Health Wesley) ▪️ Hospitalizations: 70, with 21 additional patients waiting results ▪️ ICU Utilizations: 31 Cumulative Case Totals ▪️ Forrest County: 1,162...
Author: Website Admin (Website Admin)
Council Votes to Name Dewitt Sullivan Park Pavilion After Local Citizen
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Tuesday, June 30 at a special-called council meeting to receive the 2019 audit, the Hattiesburg City Council also voted unanimously adopted a resolution to name the pavilion at Dewitt Sullivan Park in Palmers Crossing after Mr. Frankie L Benton, Sr. in honor of his commitment to the City of Hattiesburg and...
Hattiesburg City Council Receives 2019 Fiscal Year Audit
At a special-called City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 30, the City of Hattiesburg received its 2019 Fiscal Year Audit, completed by Topp, McWhorter, Harvey, PLLC. The Council voted unanimously to receive the audit as-is. Links to the findings letter and the audit report can be accessed below: City of Hattiesburg – FY 2019 Audit...
June 29 – Daily Update
Today’s update includes the latest data for Forrest and Lamar Counties, information regarding the Safe Return order that Governor Reeves extended and the extension of masks for the City of Hattiesburg through Exec. Order 2020-11. Local Data Through June 29 Testing Totals ▪️Total tests: 22,417 ▪️Positive tests: 2,050 ▪️Negative tests: 19,660 ▪️Pending: 708 Total Hospitalizations...
June 17 – Daily Update
Today’s update includes a link to Mayor Barker’s daily briefing, a quick look at numbers for the Hattiesburg Metro area and a note about an employee who has tested positive for COVID-19. Local Data Positive Cases Forrest County: 697 Lamar County: 300 Metro Area: 997 Hospital Numbers for Forrest General and Merit Health Wesley Hospitalizations:...
June 11 – Daily Update
Today’s update includes a few notes about the Back to Business MS Grant Program and another mask distribution opportunity. Back to Business MS This is a $240M grant program that was established to help small businesses in Mississippi with 50 or fewer employees recover from the economic impact of COVID-19, including operating expenses and salaries....
June 5 – Daily Update
Today’s update includes a few notes about COVID-19 testing and blood donations. It also includes several notes about this weekend’s weather forecast. COVID-19 Testing If you live in south Lamar County, there is a free drive-thru testing opportunity on Saturday (June 6) at Ben Barrett Community Center in Lumberton, from Noon until 4 p.m. The...
June 3 – Daily Update
Today’s update includes information about the Mississippi Department of Public Safety (Official)‘s reopening of driver’s license stations across the state, a new testing opportunity, a note about the forecast for Tropical Storm Cristobol and a link to Mayor Barker’s daily briefing. Driver’s License Stations Reopen Today – Gov. Reeves announced that on Monday, June 8, the...
May 29 – Daily Update
On June 1, the Governor’s Safe Return order will begin. Here’s what that includes: Effective June 1 – June 15 → All vulnerable (65+/underlying health conditions) should continue to shelter at home. GROUP GATHERINGS → Group gatherings & recreation if social distancing is not possible ▪️ Indoor: 20 ▪️ Outdoor: 50 → Group gatherings & recreation if...
Hattiesburg Announces $1.2M Project for 38th Avenue
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Thursday, Mayor Toby Barker was joined by Ward 1 Councilman Jeffrey George, District 5 Forrest County Board of Supervisor Chris Bowen and Dr. Dee Dee Anderson, VP for Student Affairs at The University of Southern Mississippi to announce a $1.2 million project that will rebuild 38th Avenue. The project will create...