Author: Website Admin (Website Admin)

Hattiesburg Opens Splash Pad in Palmers Crossing Community

Hattiesburg Opens Splash Pad in Palmers Crossing Community

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Saturday, May 29, city and county officials were joined by community members to officially open the Splash Pad at Dewitt Sullivan Park on Old Airport Road. This amenity is the first large-scale, publicly accessible splash area in the city, and it is located in the Palmers Crossing community. It features 3D...

Hattiesburg City Council Receives FY 2020 Audit

Hattiesburg City Council Receives FY 2020 Audit

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Friday, May 28, the Hattiesburg City Council met in a special called meeting to receive the Fiscal Year 2020 audit, completed by Topp, McWhorter, Harvey, PLLC. This financial audit will be the sixth audit completed since 2017, three of which were completed within the first 17 months of the term. These...

Stretch of Hwy 49 Designated as Clyde Kennard Memorial Highway

Stretch of Hwy 49 Designated as Clyde Kennard Memorial Highway

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Thursday morning, the City of Hattiesburg joined the Mississippi Department of Transportation, Southern District Transportation Commissioner Tom King and Senator Juan Barnett to dedicate the “Clyde Kennard Memorial Highway.”  This stretch of Highway 49 begins at the intersection of Hardy Street and extends one mile north. This is the result of...

Hattiesburg Cuts Hose on Fire Station #9

Hattiesburg Cuts Hose on Fire Station #9

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – After 12 months of construction, the hose has been cut to celebrate the completion of the Hattiesburg Fire Department’s Station #9, located at the intersection of Hwy 49 North and Irby Road. On Tuesday, May 25, Hattiesburg Mayor Toby Barker was joined by Ward 1 Councilman Jeffrey George, Ward 4 Councilwoman Mary...

Work Begins on Hardy Street Ahead of Paving

Work Begins on Hardy Street Ahead of Paving

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Monday, May 17, contractors began work to mill Hardy Street, between South 21st Avenue and West Pine, as prep work for paving that will go down in the coming weeks. While much needed for this well-traveled corridor for Hattiesburg, it will come with a few inconveniences. For the next few weeks...


Hattiesburg Experiences Record-Setting Sales Tax Receipts

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – The City of Hattiesburg continues its year-over-year increases for sales tax revenues, with receipts for May 2021 serving as the highest since 2006. “This time last year, we had to make several hard decisions. We had to forecast revenues conservatively, not knowing where we might be in a year or knowing what...

Hattiesburg Cuts Ribbon on Duncan Lake Trail Extension

Hattiesburg Cuts Ribbon on Duncan Lake Trail Extension

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – On Monday, May 17, Mayor Toby Barker joined local elected officials and community leaders to cut the ribbon on the latest Your Penny at Work Project – a trail extension for Duncan Lake. This project includes an 8ft-wide concrete pathway, which extends the current walking trail at Duncan Lake to cover the...

Hattiesburg Sets Police Week Activities

Hattiesburg Sets Police Week Activities

Hattiesburg, Mississippi — During May 9 – May 15, the City of Hattiesburg will join other cities around the nation in observance of National Police Week to pay tribute to officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice and to remember the tireless efforts of those who continue to keep our community safe. “Each year, we take this...

Emergency Notice: Crews on Scene

Emergency Notice: Crews on Scene

2 PM On Tuesday, May 4, emergency personnel responded to a report of a downed aircraft on Annie Christie Drive in Hattiesburg around 11:20 p.m. When emergency crews arrived on scene, it was confirmed that a civilian airplane had crashed into a home. In total, there were four fatalities – one was the husband of...

Hattiesburg Parks & Recreation Opens Registration for Summer Day Camp

Hattiesburg Parks & Recreation Opens Registration for Summer Day Camp

Hattiesburg, Mississippi – After a hiatus due to COVID-19, the Hattiesburg Parks and Recreation Department will resume operations of its annual summer day camp – but with modifications to collaborate with Hattiesburg Public School District’s summer enrichment programs and coronavirus protocols, June 1 through July 2 to students K through 7th Grade. In collaboration with...